New Mix // Into The Darkness 019 – 20 awesome songs

Into The Darkness 019 - 20 awesome songs


Welcome to a new mix! A little less electronic, but just as great as usual. As always, it goes once around the planet to bring you the great world of music home. Have fun!


Willkommen zu einem neuen Mix! Etwas weniger elektronisch, dafür aber ebenso großartig wie sonst. Wie immer geht es einmal rund um den Planeten um euch die großartige Welt der Musik nach Hause zu bringen. Viel Spaß!


01 – Necroamor – Corbeau Hangs

02 – Pendulum – postlooperish

03 – Silver Yarns – Body Maintenance

04 – Nostalgia – Vapormoon

05 – Shadow – St. Digue

06 – Burn Like A Candle – Vasa Kumora

07 – Dance Of The Vampires – Air Midnight

08 – Massolit – FEWS

09 – Yawning Calling – A Dull Set

10 – Uudestaan – Uhrisavu

11 – The Heart Of A Lover – This Eternal Decay

12 – Dark Ritual – Slow Danse With The Dead

13 – Desire – Scimitar

14 – Heavy Heaven – Johnstonsons

15 – Derniére Sommation – HININ

16 – Strangers – Fairfields

17 – Estorbas – Denevér

18 – Desolate City – NLIGHT

19 – В К​в​а​р​т​и​р​е Т​е​м​н​о – Distant Stares

20 – The Long Silence – Detects

(c) Photo DLE

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