New Mix – Dark Monday Mood 014

Mixcloud - Dark Monday Mood


Again a week has passed and even if it did not look easy at the beginning, we were able to compile a wonderful playlist with dreamlike songs. With songs from all over the world, some of which could not be more different and yet have just one point in common. You can feel the irrepressible energy in the songs. Listen in and let yourself be enchanted. As always, you will find in the tracklist below the possibility to purchase the song. We have embedded the song or the whole album. Have fun!


Wieder ist eine Woche vergangen und auch wenn es am Anfang nicht leicht aussah, konnten wir wieder eine wundervolle Playlist mit traumhaften Songs zusammenstellen. Mit Songs aus aller Welt, die zum Teil nicht unterschiedlicher sein könnten und doch eben einen Punkt gemeinsam haben. Man fühlt die unbändige Energie in den Songs. Hört rein und lasst euch verzaubern. Wie immer findet ihr in der Tracklist weiter unten die Möglichkeit den Song zu erwerben. Wir haben den Song oder das ganze Album eingebettet. Viel Spaß!


01 – Girlfriends And Boyfriends – Your Touch

02 – Nuovo Testamento – The Searcher

03 – CON – Child Of Night – Body Flow

04 – Cult Of Alia – Body Flow

05 – Night In Athens – Metropolis

06 – Стереополина – Последнее свидание

07 – Skelesys – The Scorpion Sting

08 – Scyr – You

09 – THYMIAN -A Great Divide

10 – Franc Cale – The Drama

11 – The Black Veils – Lamourlamort

12 – Swan Wash – Yard

13 – Graysons – Never Be Home

14 – Voices Of Masada – Shine

15 – Strangers And Lovers – Death Song

16 – Desperate Journalist – Everything You Wanted

17 – Leathers – Reckless

18 – Mark E Moon – Event Horizon (Death & Gravity Remix)

19 – Coaltar – Criteria

20 – Limenos Out Of Service – Ven, Baila

We are happy that you found your way to our magazine and hope you like the content. Maybe even so good that you want to support us.

In today’s fast-moving times, advertising revenues are sinking faster and faster and for a dark music magazine like us, there is usually nothing left. Nevertheless the costs for us remain.

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