New Mix // Into The Darkness 005 – 20 awesome songs


Wow, what a stressful but musically wonderful month. Every music portal was flooded with great songs. One release followed the other and even we lost track of so much great music for a while. Nevertheless, in our latest issue we have selected twenty first-class songs for you to add to your collection. Wow, what a stressful but musically wonderful month. Every music portal was flooded with great songs. One release followed the other and even we lost the overview for a short time with so much great music. Nevertheless, in our latest issue we have selected twenty first-class songs for you to add to your collection. Enjoy your musical journey around the world!


Wow, was für ein stressiger, aber musikalisch gesehen wundervoller Monat. In jedem Musikportal wurde man mit großartigen Songs überschüttet. Ein Release folgte dem anderen und sogar wir verloren kurzzeitig den Überblick bei so viel toller Musik. Dennoch haben wir in unserer neusten Ausgabe euch zwanzig erstklassige Songs ausgewählt, die ihr in eure Sammlung aufnehmen müsst. Viel Spaß bei der musikalischen Weltreise!


01 – Kill Shelter – The Necklace feat. Agent Side Grinder

02 – Then Comes Silence – Chain

03 – Astari Nite – Ashtray Ballet

04 – Noromakina – Orobla

05 – Movie Camera – You Have A Life Now

06 – iamnoone – The Need

07 – Pleasure Victim – Holy Violence

08 – CCTV – Sierra

09 – Iréne de Milo – St Servan Contre Lui

10 – Night Voyager – He Wants Revenge

11 – The Dirty Sun – Skull Information

12 – JE T´AIME – Kiss The Boys (And Make Them DIE) (feat. Alex Svenson from Then Comes Silence)

13 – Clone Culture – Floating

14 – Art d´Ecco – Midlife Crisis

15 – Angel-Maker – Refrain

16 – Ghosting – The Order Of Things

17 – FRTG13 – Gestaltwandler

18 – Angst4 – In Gefahr

19 – Metal Disco – Acid Lord

20 – Vanseveren – Black Sky

(c) Photo Photo Adobe Stock (splitov27) / DLE

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