TV Cult live at Die Trompete Bochum
English Cologne band TV CULT opened for Home Front at Bochum’s Die Trompete and surprised more than just us with their special sound. It was autumn time. A lot of wind, penetrating rain and there’s […]
English Cologne band TV CULT opened for Home Front at Bochum’s Die Trompete and surprised more than just us with their special sound. It was autumn time. A lot of wind, penetrating rain and there’s […]
English Already arrived in May and thus almost spent the first half of the year musically, now comes the best time of the year for festival fans. May until the end of September is the […]
English Some of you will probably already have heard about the new, unique event in a historical ambience. Trailers, flyers or the good old word of mouth have already brought the news of the new […]
English Finally it’s that time again, the Beautiful Noise Festival goes into the third round and once again puts the focus entirely on the „female“ part of the „darker“ music. A concept that has worked […]
English For many visitors of the Minicave Festival 2021 ended a considerable dry spell in the form of missing live performances. Good that the Minicave team has chosen the right solution and a brilliant opener […]
English With a crowd already heated up by the Pinoreks in front of the stage, the second act ZUG – Zona Utopica Garantita was on stage and not only we were curious how the guys […]
English New black festival: 1st Stella Nomine Festival 2021 At the moment you probably tend to think, when there is talk of new concerts or festivals, will it even be able to take place? I […]
In kürze ist es wieder soweit, die Liebhaber guter Musik können in Witten sich wieder einmal von einem super Line-Up verwöhnen lassen. Dark Skies Over Witten VI wird sich wieder nahtlos in die Reihe der […]
2020 verspricht musikalisch ein wirklich gutes Jahr zu werden. Egal, ob man schon von der einen oder anderen Band die Ankündigung eines neuen Longplayers vernommen hat oder einen Blick auf die sich langsam füllenden Line-Ups […]
Siegen, um ganz ehrlich zu sein, kannten wir den Namen den Stadt und wo sie ungefähr liegt. Ach ja, der Hübbelbummler (ein historischer Bus der durch die Siegener Stadt fährt), war uns irgendwie im Gedächtnis […]
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